Our team at East Coast Bengal Rescue is led by professionals who love the Bengal breed and everything they have to offer. We are a non profit volunteer-based rescue organization dedicated to rescuing Bengal and other hybrid domestic cats.
What We Do
Our Team works with a large and ever-growing network of Fosters, Transporters, Adopters, and Veterinary professionals. We address all challenges head-on; there simply isn’t a challenge we haven’t faced and resolved for a Bengal cat and their owners. We’re here for each Bengal who needs us, as well as the humans who hope to understand them better.
Bengal cats are advertised as energetic cats who have a “wild look.” Unfortunately, many Bengal Cat owners are ill-prepared to meet their needs, so they often end up in rescue (see our page “ Adopting Your First Bengal?“).
Education is Key
Our Team is committed to educating Bengal owners, so that the owners can keep their Bengal in their home. If the owners are unable to follow our supportive guidelines, we will match the cat with a more suitable family (see our page Rehome for more information).
Quite often, Bengals are in jeopardy of losing their homes, due to litter box avoidance. But the reality is, most of these cases are caused by human neglect / poor litter box maintenance. If you are experiencing litter box avoidance issues with your Bengal, please read our informative article: Litter Box Issues.
Ultimately, it is our goal to ensure that no Bengal ends up in a Shelter. Bengals at shelters always end up being adopted out to the next unprepared family. As a result, this always repeats the cycle and re-traumatizes the cat.
Our Team Can Help
If you are facing a challenge with your Bengal – we’re the group to call. If you want to adopt a Bengal – we’ll “match you” with the right Bengal. Bengals are NOT one size fits all. Each Rescue Bengal has specific needs and wants. We work to learn about them so that when we match them to their forever family, they never return to Rescue again.
We hope to serve you as a lifelong resource for your Bengal. No challenge is insurmountable!