Sadly, the need to rehome a Bengal is a reality that we face, on a regular basis. It’s hard on the owner of a Bengal Cat to come to terms with this painful decision, but sometimes it is the best decision a cat owner can make.
We’ve seen many reasons for rehoming, everything from:
Losing a home
Not getting along with other pets
New baby
New puppy
Improper litter box management – see Litter Box Issues
Job change that requires excessive travel
Cat is too active for the owner
Here at East Coast Bengal Rescue, we do not “judge” the owner for having to re-home a Bengal. We compassionately work with the owner to see if there is any way that the cat could stay. So often people don’t receive the right advice or guidance, and they don’t know there really is a solution!
But in the end, if we agree with the owner that their Bengal deserves a fresh new start, we’re right there to make it happen.
Posting Your Cat for Adoption
There are dozens and dozens of places where you can post your cat as available for adoption.
Contact Us if you have a bengal in need of rehoming – we currently have spots available.